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Why Should One Learn Photography?

January 12, 2021 admin Honeycomb

Why Should One Learn Photography?

Photography! It is passion. For some, it’s an emotion! For the others, it is an avenue to escape within their captures. It is also a therapy. It acts as a catalyst for a happy life. And for many, it is the path to achieve their dreams. You live in the present with photography!

So, if you the reader ask me why I should learn photography? Well, I can think of plenty of reasons, but let me tell you 6 main ones.

  1. Capture moments and create memories
  2. To be creative
  3. It is a skill for anyone at any age
  4. Earn side money 
  5. Experiment and Learn
  6. Recognition

Photography can be therapeutic. If you have a creative calling, a desire to make good pictures, and bring happiness to others, learning photography is the best way forward. Moreover, learning how to use a camera, and interacting with fellow photographers will make the journey enjoyable. You will also become more confident with each experience. You can capture the world, the way you perceive it. Moreover, learning photography may increase your income. There are many ways to make money as a photographer like photoshoots or like selling your prints to websites like Shutterstock.

As you notice the details with your camera and document each emotion, you will know you chose the right call.

Effective ways to Learn Photography

  • Practice

You ought to take your camera out and start clicking. Capture whatever excites you. Practice, Practice, and Practice will help you unlock your style and natural skills. When you have plenty of photos in your memory card, you will know what needs improvement and where you excel. Moreover, these trials and experiments will help you learn and grow. You can also take part in contests or competitions which are great ways to get feedback on your work. Getting positive critiques about your work will boost your morale to be a better photographer.

  • Learn

While studying, reading is the foremost, you also need to network with fellow photographers. Networking, contacts, and referrals will provide you with valuable insights and prospective clients.

You can also get a mentor who can teach and encourage you about your work. You can also take up internships where you will have first-hand experience and learning opportunities.

You can also attend workshops that are great for making connections, finding internships, and discovering styles/niches you love.

You could also join photography forums where you have the community to guide you with any queries that you may have regarding camera, or a tool or a style, which will help you for further research.

Last but not the least, online tutorials or YouTube where you will get tips, tricks, and first-hand experience from which you can learn and better yourself.

And, you can always hit the books! Indulging in a good book will help you learn details in a creative, colorful, and interesting way. They will always motivate you and help you figure out the niches and intricacies of being a successful photographer. 

You also have social media to follow other photographers. It is a great platform to learn, to connect and interact with fellow photographers

  • Build your photography portfolio

A photographer should always catalogue their work. A portfolio is an easy way to showcase your work to prospective clients to whom you can show off your expertise. As a marketing tool, you can gain visibility of your personal brand by giving your social media posts a call to action. You can always reminisce! It’s a great way to see how you have evolved in your passion with each photography project.

  • Learn to use post-production tools

Experimentations with angles, light or playing around with your subject are well and good but knowing how to edit them is the cherry on the cake. Programs like Lightroom and Photoshop might be an investment, but if you really want to take your images to the next level, learn how to use photo editing tools and post-production programs. They will surely benefit your work. It’s time you took your creativity to the next level, literally. 


For any photographer, the goal is to find their own style and finesse, and to do that you need to keep on shooting until you figure it out. Well, photography is fun and rewarding when you photograph what interests you. This, in turn, will help you keep on shooting and learning. Moreover, put your heart in it. As you know, photography is art, and art is evolved best when it comes to passion.

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