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What are the tools used by SEO agencies to ace your business

January 12, 2021 admin Honeycomb

What are the tools used by SEO agencies to ace your business?

What is SEO?

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, it is the most cost-efficient and effective way of increasing organic traffic to your website. It is the process of optimizing your website to increase your rank in the search engine result pages and helps in increasing online visibility for your business among mass audiences. 3.5 billion searches are done daily on Google. 81 % of the people make research about their products and services before they make the purchase decision. 

SEO Agency

SEO helps in influencing the customers who are interested in buying your products or services that your company is offering. SERPs identify your right customers and help us to measure the traffic to your website, higher the traffic more will be the lead generation. The SEO monitors the content strategy and design of the website in order to make your website look really appealing and understandable to your customers. It is the method through which a company makes sure that they make it to the top search results in google search engines. The SEO Agency will search for keywords and phrases that the customers are using to find information about your products. They guide the website developers, content developers, and marketers to generate more traffic to the website.

What are the different tools of SEO?

SEO tools

1. Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a tool that tracks the overall performance of a website. It keeps a close eye on all the important metrics that contribute to the success of the business. It paints you a clear picture of what’s working well for your website and the areas you’ve got to pay heed. When you have your virtual space out there, it’s extremely important to know how well your website is functioning. You can keep a track of the kind audience that visits you, the age group they belong to, the devices that they’ve used to get on to your website, the places they belong to and how did they come to know about the existence of such a website, etc. It gives you an insight about the potential customers that visit your website and their journey on it, tracking what exactly they are looking for.  It also reveals what’s lacking on your website. Once the analytics gives you a better understanding you can make the right decisions by making necessary changes and bringing in new additions thereby fueling the website for the better.

2. Google Search Console

Google Search Console teaches you about how Google sees your website. This tool allows the webmaster to scan a website to see if there are any site issues or errors. For instance, if you’ve brought some new changes to your website or deleted a particular page then search console notifies you through a 404 error. This will then guide you to add a redirect so that users won’t leave and it will redirect you to the right page. This enhances the user experience. Search Console is like a Control Panel and to ensure visibility, optimizing your website every now and then, fine-tuning your content is highly recommended. The Google search console account showcases important aspects like the performance of the website on the search results, click-through rates, mobile usability reports, etc. 

3. Google Tag Manager

Google tag manager is a free tag management tool that provides the marketers with a platform to deploy and track marketing data by adding code snippets to their website or official app. It is one of the best tools that helps the marketers to keep a check on the conversion rate, retargeting, website analytics without the interference of webmasters. The tags can be used for various functions like tracking the scrolling details, closely observing the submissions, remarketing, carrying out relevant surveys, and tracking the details on how your prospects arrive at your site.

4. Google Ads

Google ads are basically the paid advertisements that Google offers and they appear on the top section of a SERP ( Search Engine Result Page ) by using Google Ads. Likewise, Display Ads are also a form of paid advertisement,  and they appear on the Google Display Network. When it comes to Google Adwords, they’re quite ahead of SEO in terms of grabbing a top position. An Google Ads that’s well-optimized can do wonders for the business by generating a good amount of leads and traffic. Apart from bringing in more clicks and traffic, Google Ads is one of the best mediums to spread the word about the brand. Being one of the most powerful advertising platforms Google Ads enhances brand awareness and it’s a gateway to e-commerce stores.

5. Google Studio

Google Data Studio helps in simplifying the complicated report of the client’s data analysis into visual forms for informational and yet easy understanding. The report is credible, readable, shareable, understandable, and customizable according to the requirements of the clients.

6.Google Trends

It is the process of creating a content strategy by identifying the right keywords or phrases in google search engines to categorize the potential audience under the demography, the need of the customers, their expectations, existing competitors, and other related data

7. SEMrush

SEMrush is an SEO tool that in identifying the keyword research, monitors your competitors to understand the keyword strategy used by them. It also helps in running the SEO audit for your blog and searching for backlinking opportunities. SEMrush is one of the most trusted tools used by marketers at the global level.

8. Woorank

WooRank is a web-based digital marketing tool used to audit the website and gives relevant information on how to optimize your website. Around 40,000 companies use Woorank on a daily basis to improve their conversion rates by increasing your search ranking and website traffic.

9. MOZ

It’s a tool used for search engine optimization by measuring the onsite and off-site aspects of a website. The different features of Moz include rank tracking, site audit, keyword research, and backlink analysis. 

10. Ubersuggest

Ubersuggest is a great SEO tool that gives you suggestions on how to win the game of an SEO by helping in the generation of keyword ideas. The right keywords can be used in your content strategy and production to increase your reach. The different categories include domain overview, Top SEO pages, Backlink data, Content ideas, and Keyword suggestions for your website.

11. Click Magic

ClickMagick is an advanced piece of software and one of the best options for any marketers who are looking to take their online business to the next level. All the process that includes tracking, testing, and improving your online marketing campaign can be done on a single platform under Click Magic.

12. Pagespeed Insights

Pagespeed Insights provides a report regarding the performances of your web page on both desktop and mobile devices. They will also provide their valuable insights on how to improve the speed of your page. Under PSI the field data are classified into three categories to understand how well the webpage is functioning.

13. Think with google

Think With Google helps in identifying the current trends in the market, understanding marketing needs and behaviour of the customers through data analysis. It helps in maintaining your marketing strategies up to date and interesting.

14. Hotjar

Hotjar is an SEO tool that helps in getting feedback from the website users through heatmaps, session recordings, and surveys. It helps in conducting an analytical study on the change in the behavior of your customers or users. It provides information on what is happening on your website, what the users are searching for, and what are their opinions about your product.

15. Google Alerts

It alerts the marketers and content developers about the currently trending topics or interests related to your business. It helps digital marketers to be well informed and updated. It identifies the buyer’s requirements and helps in resolving their problems. 

16. Clarity Research Grid

The research grid is the largest set of data that provides information about the performance of a website under any domain. It contains every detail of the websites including their speed, content strategy used, quality of the SEO analysis across the globe. This is very useful for marketers who are looking for creative ideas to generate content for their website and to better than their competitors in digital marketing. It is also a beginner’s guide for the ones who are planning to start their career in SEO.

17. Website Grader by Hubspot

It used to check the performance of your website according to the different devices through which it is accessed. This tool introduced by the Hubspot helps in monitoring the mobile readiness and quality of your website. It analyses the search engine results by the SEO and the customers to measure its visibility in the market. It also helps in improving the privacy of your website.

Digital Marketing Solutions

SEO is important for every business as it helps in optimizing a website for search engines and improving your business. There are many tools available to analyze the functioning of a business but as digital marketing is picking up its pace since a pandemic outbreak, SEO is the only survival method for any business. Keywords, content, backlinks, domain, and social media are the few areas in which SEO is done through the creation and promotion of quality content.

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