About Giclee Printing
The Definition: Giclee (zhee-klay) – The French word “Giclee” is a feminine noun that means a spray or a spurt of liquid. The word may have been derived from the French verb “gicler” meaning “to squirt”. In giclee printing, no screen or other mechanical devices are used and therefore there is no visible dot screen pattern. The image has all the tonalities and hues of the original painting.
giclee (zhee-clay) n. 1. a type of digital fine-art print. 2. Most often associated with reproductions; a Giclee is a multiple print or exact copy of an original work of art that was created by conventional means (painting, drawing, etc.) and then reproduced digitally, typically via inkjet printing.
The Term: The term “Giclee print” connotes an elevation in printmaking technology. Images are generated from high resolution digital scans and printed with archival quality inks onto various substrates including canvas, fine art, and photo-base paper. The Giclee printing process provides better colour accuracy than other means of reproduction.
(Courtesy: http://www.limitededitionprints.info )
Honeycomb Creative Support is a communication design agency based in Bangalore. We help companies for making their marketing communication materials like, Web-design & Development, Digital Marketing, Product & Corporate Video, Print collaterals, News Paper Proofing, Fine-art (Giclee) printing for photo/painting exhibitions. It also provide gallery space to showcase Artist’s works at Honeycomb Art Gallery.