An Exclusive Interview With Eminent Photographer Sreeroop KT

An Exclusive Interview With Eminent Photographer Sreeroop KT

January 3, 2018 admin Honeycomb

SreeropSreeroop KT 

Nature Photographer

1) Would you tell us more about you and your interest in Photography?

I have been working in IT industry for past 12 years and now opened my own startup firm in Bangalore. I started photography 8 years back and had experimented in different genres of photography during the course of time. I love photographing nature subjects whether they are birds, animals, reptiles, landscapes, or underwater subjects. I enjoy photographing with macro, wide angle and long telephoto lenses.


2) Can you please tell us about the types of Photography you indulge with?

I love nature and love sharing all aspects of it. Each of them has their own unique thing that makes them special. Out of them, I am more inclined to Nature photography (landscape, wildlife, bird’s photography), macro photography and Architectural photography.

white bird

3) What is the inspiration that keeps you going?

Nature is a gift for me. To be close to wildlife makes me feel instantly at peace. The joy of watching birds and animals in their natural habitat and observing their behaviour arouse a lot of interest in nature. So I like spending a lot of time in the wilderness of nature.


4) How do you feel when your work is exhibited and viewed by tons of people?

I feel special and blessed to be able to travel and capture some of the moments and showcase it to people who can get inspired to visit these places and appreciate the beauty of nature. This makes me happy as I am able to contribute back to nature in a small way as people will be more aware of the conservation of wildlife and nature.


5) Can you tell us something about Photography and its inception?

Photography is an art; to keep the memory last forever we often switch to photography. Even a 20 years old photo takes us back to the same time. Photography has been a medium of limitless possibilities since it was originally invented and its evolution has been one of the most revolutionary additions to the advancement of human artistic expression. It all started with a box and evolved into a compact one, film to digital, Black & white to colour, the transition has been profound.


6) To you, what is Photography?

Photography is like a meditation which gives me instant connect with my soul and makes me relax. Capturing the moment and giving a true reflection of what I saw through my viewfinder is something I try to master. You have to find your photograph in the chaos of the natural world.


7) Please share us some of your achievements in Photography Profession?

Won 1st price in Nature category in All India photography contest organized by Photostop.
Won Picture of the Month contest in India’s No.1 imaging magazine Smart Photography.
Won Artist of the year award from
Published images in various international photography websites.
Exhibited photos in Art galleries and contributed to charity works.

Nature Sunset

8) Can you tell us something about your Photography community?

I’ve closed group of friends with whom I travel and do photography. I am also part of TGIS group where we exhibit photos in Art galleries and contribute to charity.

9) Can you tell us about the general response you receive in exhibitions?

Even though the crowd is less for art exhibitions in India compared to foreign countries, the response from them is quite overwhelming.


10) What do you think about the scope of Photography in the modern Digital world?

With new technological advancements in camera and accessories, it makes easy for photographers to express their vision and creativity. Add to that social media, online and print publications are appreciating the works of new photographers and encouraging new people into this art form.


11) How do you feel about your association with Honeycomb creative support?

I have been associated with Honeycomb Creative Support for a long time now. Printing and publishing my works, exhibiting the quality prints in Art galleries and successful participation in their photo contests have all been a great experience for me. I would recommend Honeycomb for anyone looking for a quality and lasting print, especially on canvas.

Night View

12) Can you share us your future plans and dreams?

Working in Mother Nature on a regular basis and seeing amazing creatures functioning in their natural habitat is definitely something that needs to be conserved, but with the growing human population, many areas and its inhabiting species face extinction. By sharing my wildlife images with as many people as possible around the world, I hope to spread the conservation message.

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