5 Reasons Your Website May Need a Facelift

5 Reasons Your Website May Need a Facelift

October 20, 2021 admin Honeycomb

With technology moving at lightning-fast speed and Google constantly changing and updating the workings of its algorithm, your website also needs to be quick on its feet.

1.     Your Website Is Missing Information

Here are a couple of key signs that you may want to update your website. Whether it’s just a minor tweak or a complete overhaul, we at Honeycomb, the foremost web design company in Bangalore, can guide you through every step of the process.

Visitors to your website should be able to find all the information they are looking for and then some. If your current website is lacking in this area, it may adversely affect your business.

Your website should serve as a resource for users throughout their customer journey, so you want each visitor to have a positive experience and walk away with all the necessary information.

Content management systems (CMS) have come a long way over the years, so today, it is easy to manage your website content with the use of code. It is certainly much easier to keep your website updated with relevant content without having to involve your web development team.

2.     Your Brand Has Grown

Whether you recently rebranded your company and want to show off your amazing new logo, or you have expanded your services and products over time, your website must reflect that as well.

A website is like your personal style. It evolves over time with you as you discover what trends suit you the best, what works for you, and what doesn’t.

3.     You’re Not Excited to Show Your Website 

In an ideal case, you should be proud to show off your website! You can say that your website is the most important way of showcasing who you are. In fact, your website is as much a form of self-expression and brand expression as any other media.

You might want to consider updating your website if you are not excited to show it off. Make sure that your website reflects the work you have put into it, and one that helps you meet your business goals. Also, don’t forget to surprise and delight people along the way.

4. Your Website Is Not Mobile Optimized

In this day & age, your website must provide an optimal viewing experience across a wide range of devices – desktop computers, tablets, and mobile phones. A responsive design allows visitors to easily read and navigate your website.

According to recent studies, more than 50% of all users access the internet using their mobile phones globally. If your website isn’t optimized for all devices, this is a clear indication that it is time for an update.

4.     Your Website Traffic Is Going Down

If your traffic numbers have been stagnant for a while, it’s time to re-evaluate the SEO value of your website. You must ensure that your target keywords are up to date and aligned with your brand.

While Google does bring free, organic traffic to your website, in order to be found, you need to provide visitors with engaging, quality content, and ensure that your site follows on-page and off-page SEO best practices.

Just like a website, SEO isn’t something you do once and forget about. Capitalizing on SEO opportunities requires constant adjustments and a good partnership with us, Bangalore’s most respected web development company.

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