Responsive Websites are the New Normal

Responsive Websites are the New Normal

January 12, 2021 admin Honeycomb

Responsive Websites are the New Normal

Imagine that you need to find the best travel agency to plan out a safe staycation for you. You might need to check out multiple options to finalise the topmost one. Rather than shuffling through your belongings to find your laptop, you are likely to go for the handiest alternative, smartphones. Handling a website that isn’t mobile friendly squeezes the patience out of you and instantly gains your distrust. Imagine meddling with large or minuscule fonts, or not being able to check out the packages properly. This is where a responsive website can play the lead.

While you are creating a website, you need to make sure that you don’t lose any visitors or potential customers. For example, if you are creating a website that talks about the digital marketing agencies in Bangalore, make sure it appeals to the ad men of the marketing world.  Here are some tips that you can put to use, while creating a mobile-friendly website.

1. Be responsibly ‘responsive’

It is quite important to maintain a responsive design that works amazing for both PC and mobile versions. A responsive technology enables your website to adapt to the screen size of your visitor’s device. Be it PC, tab or mobile, let their browsing experience work like a charm.

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2. Keep your fonts on game

Imagine how uncool it is to make your visitors pinch their screens each time they visit your website. They might have to zoom in to have a proper look at the content. To avoid this, use large enough fonts for your websites. The happy news is, there are numerous successful templates you can refer to before setting the font size.

3. Let the buttons maintain a social distance

If the buttons of your website do not maintain a proper distance, your visitors might end up hitting ‘confirm’ instead of ‘reset’. This can be a total spoiler to a fruitful experience with your digital marketing website. Make sure to assemble the buttons at an adequate distance.

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4. Sync between PC and Mobile versions

Rather than maintaining two separate templates for the PC and mobile versions, go for a pattern that works fine with both. This helps the users to be familiar with your website, prompting them to take comfortable visits as per need. Make your visitors content to retain them.

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5. Give due care in form-filling

If your website requires your visitors to fill a form, make the process hassle-free. You must ensure that the whole form is visible. Just imagine that you filled an entire form using your smartphone, and you aren’t able to find the ‘submit’ button. Never let your website-surfers go through that.

6. Go for the buffer-less formula

It isn’t a happy picture to see the buffering icon each time a user opens your website on mobile. If the mobile version takes too long to load the content, it can hamper the browsing experience of your website visitors. For standing ahead of your competitors, your website needs to maintain a short rendering speed.

7. Make friends with mobile-friendly video services

Leave out the headache of making the videos in your website to fit into the visitor’s screen sizes with the help of sites like YouTube. They can easily carry out the job for you. All you have to do is upload your video and embed it with such services.

8. Test it yourself

After designing your website, try opening it in smartphones and tabs of various screen sizes. Note down the limitations and make necessary changes. You can conduct mobile-friendly tests using search engines like Google and Bing.  Never compromise on the experience you provide to your mobile-using customers.

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Make your website easily accessible to both mobile and PC users. A little bit of care can work wonders. Try out all these tips and be amazed with the outstanding results. Boost the traffic of your website by giving it the much-needed quality, mobile-friendliness!

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